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AutoScout: Primer spletne prevare - 06.10.08 13:05 Ne da mi miru, da sem ter tja ne pogledam naokoli za raznimi priložnostmi. In tako mi je v oči padla tudi tale, navidez nerealno ugodna a sumljiva ponudba. Odločil sem se da stopim v stik s prodajalcem, za katerega se je izkazalo, da je prevarant. Najraje bi ga iz inata kar prijavil karabinjerjem.

Kot morebitno svarilo si oglejte spodnji dialog, ki se je razvil iz osnovne poizvedbe:

Hello ,
I bought the car in Italy.I sell it cheap because I just moved to London, UK. Now nobody wants to buy it here in UK because it's european,has the steering wheel on the left side.First of all I want to thank you for contacting me and for your interest in my car.In the begining, i want to tell you more details, about the car .The car was verify by an authorized mechanic and he established that the car is 100% perfect condition, no accidents, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects, it is the original paint, real Km's and in order with the papers to run in the European Union ( curently car is registered in Italy ).The price I am looking for my car is correct and is little negociable. So,if you are still interested , to buy this car , please contact me back,and i will tell you more about how we can forward with this deal.
I will wait your answer please mail me back.


you must understand, that I am a bit sceptical about this car, espacially because of the very suitable price. If I was selling the car in a hurry, first thing I would cosider selling it to a local car dealer. Therefore I'm asking If is it possible to send me some more pictures of a car, service book and VIN number, for example. Then we would talk further. If everithing matches I intend to come to Italy (Rome if not mistaken) to see and test the car. You also mentioned, that you moved to UK, so we would have to scheadule a meating when you are in Italy.

Thank you!


I am in United Kingdom now and the car is in Italy
Here is how we can start this deal together.I do not need any advance payment done to me until you see my car .
But because i will have to come in Italy , i can not put myself on the road until i will have some kind of warranty :
Here is EXACTLY how I propose you to make a safe deal:
-You go to your nearest WU branch and deposit 50% of money you have to pay me for the car on a RANDOM name ( EG your best friend ) .
-After you deposit the money you will receive the receipt ( your Send Money Form paper copy ). Scan it and send it back to me in JPEG format. In this way I make sure you that the money have been deposited correctly and I see you don't want to cheat me.
-Once I receive the scanned receipt from you, I will IMMEDIATELY come to show you the car.
-After i will come to you , you will inspect the car and all its papaers. If all is OK, you will
have to go on Western Union collect the money and give me the rest of the money. And our deal ends there.
-It's a 100% safe deal for both of us. Your big advantage: you can inspect the car before I get payed and also i will have a little warranty to see .
If this is ok for you reply me asap
I'll wait for your answer.

Saab 9-3 1.9 TiD

Chilometraggio: 96.800 km
Potenza: 88 kW / 120 PS
Tipo di carburante: Diesel
Prima immatricolazione: 12/2004
Caratteristiche del veicolo:
ABS, Alzacristalli elettrico, Antifurto Immobilizer, Cerchi in lega, Chiusura centralizzata, Cronologia tagliandi assistenza, ESP, Filtro antiparticolato, Garanzia, Navigatore satellitare
Yours sincerely,

I have no intention in cheating you, because it is in my best interest to buy this car. There are also travel expenses for me not just for you to come to Italy, but before you have to send me the VIN number of the vehicle. I do not agree on sending you money in advance, because of bad experience, but I suggest you let me know a week or so before you intend to arrive to Italy and we will arrange an exact date to meet.


Two weeks ago a person from Italy told to me that want to buy my car.I said Ok,we will meet in Italy and we will make the deal.I come in Italy but no buyer,never respond my emails or calls...For that reason i need a prove that you are waiting for me.The car is Bergamo.I need your full name,address so i can come at you and also your mobile phone number so i can call you when i will leave London.Comparing with other cars like this the price is low and I know it,that's why I need to explain you why I sell it at this price. I live in London, United Kingdom...The car has a left steering wheel and this is the reason why I try to sell it in Italy because it is
hard for me to use it in UK.I know that buying or
selling on the Internet can be rather difficult, and it is always
hard to trust your companion, because you have never hear or see him.
For this reason I want to complete this deal in the safest way
for you and for me.I will come with in Italy to show you the car.....but i need a prove that you will wait for me.You have to go at an western union office and send the money to your friend,father name etc...
The transfer must to be like this:
sender name : here will be your name
sender address : your address from Italy
receiver name : father,brother,relative name etc.
receiver address : his address from Italy
After you deposit the money you will receive the receipt ( your Send Money Form paper copy ). Scan it and send it back to me in JPEG format. In this way I make sure you that the money have been deposited correctly and I see you don't want to cheat me.Once I receive the scanned receipt from you, I will immediately come to show you the car..After i will come to you , you will inspect the car and all its papers. If all is OK, you will
have to go on Western Union and collect the money and give me the rest of the money. And our deal ends there.

IMPORTANT:When you will go to the western union office to wire the money sometimes they ask you why are you doing that. You must say them that you send money to a friend or someone you know,because Western Union was designed for transfers between relatives or friends and in any other way they will not let you make the deposit and we will not be able to complete the transaction.

Thanks and i will wait your mail soon

I don't see the reason why do I have to make a deposit over Western Union. This kind of transactions are not furmiliar to me, and I do not intend to do it, I can give you my cell number for exchange of yours, I can even call you and we set up a meeting.

Please send me VIN number of a vehicle.

Na lastno iniciativo je poslal celo scan svoje "domnevne" osebne izkaznice tukaj se je potem končalo.
Der Blaue Reiter
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Re:AutoScout: Primer spletne prevare - 06.10.08 14:05 To pa je
Meni že prvi mejl smrdi po prevari, o zadnjih pa sploh ni dvoma.

Samo cena je pa res ugodna. Kupim na rezervo

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Re:AutoScout: Primer spletne prevare - 06.10.08 15:43 Reč mu, nej ti pošlje 50
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Re:AutoScout: Primer spletne prevare - 06.10.08 17:13 Poučna zgodba kako je prodajalec nategnil podobnega nategovalca . Klik!
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Re:AutoScout: Primer spletne prevare - 06.10.08 20:19 No, tukaj je pa še ena varianta, v tem primeru sem jaz prodajalec, tole pa je zadnji mail od "kupca". V prvem je želel le zadnjo ceno, mu jo že s slabim filingom pošljem in dobim sledeče:

Hello Janez,

Thank you for your prompt response to my enquiry concerning your car for sale, YES I WILL BUY YOUR CAR AT YOUR ADVERTISE PRICE ! thats why I write to confirm that i agree to buy the car at your current asking price, but I have a proposal for our benefit which I'm going to make payment for the car from it.

I am Sgt, Spc. DEREK NEWMANN, of 3rd Infantry Division with the United Nations troop stationed here in Iraq, on war against terrorism.Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Iraq this year, I have been deployed to come and work in your country's military base soonest. Our mission in your country will be to help beef up securities in those terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will need a car for myself and that is why I contacted you.
I wanna inform you about the sum of $16.2 million United States Dollars i have in my possession which i got during our raid on insurgence hideout in a remote area of Baghdad in April this year; I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the money. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money.
I wish to use this money for charity purposes in Turkey, where we have about 3 million Iraqi refugees and Sudan where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war. You need to visit such places. I want to invest the money on stock fish from Norway to this refugees because base on my experience on battle ground in this places, they lack a lot of fish and meat to add to their meager and unpalatable meals which they get in little quantity just to keep them living until God knows when the problem ends. Instead of allowing these terrorists to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms from Russia, it is better channeled to saving the world. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about 3 years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept, I will transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary because I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount so I need to present someone as the beneficiary. I am an American and a Specialist officer for that so I have a 100% authenticic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service .I just need your acceptance and all is done.

Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured car site where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication a facility which is secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you. I will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with.
If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number so I can call you for further inquiries when I am out of our military network. I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3 days I will then search for someone else. I am doing this on trust, you should understand and you should know that as a trained military expert I will always play safe in case you are the bad type, but I pray you are not. 16.2 million USD is a lot of money which is the dream of anyone.

I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 7 days the money should have been noted on your account and I will come over for my money. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. I hope I am been fair on this deal.



Tale autoscout je leglo raznoraznih svinjarij...
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Re:AutoScout: Primer spletne prevare - 07.10.08 12:42 Janez H,

daj temu naredniku ponudi vsaj ribe iz Piranskega zaliva, da ne bo samo Norveških kupoval, pa še Slovenija bo imela nekaj od tega...
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