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Vespe - 08.12.05 22:19 Včeraj sem gledal eno oddajo o Vespah in zgodba me precej spominja na Saab. Tudi pri tem gre za prvotno tovarno letal, kjer so se ob koncu 2. svet. vojne morali spomniti nekaj novega. Tako je designer Vespe bil letalski inženir in jo zasnoval povsem v nasprotju s tedanjimi standardi motociklov: motor je skril zadaj, brez verige, tudi oblika je bila nekaj povsem novega. Za prve primerke so porabili dele letal: prisatajalna kolesa, motor je bil na letalih zaganjač glavnega motorja, uporabila se je letalska pločevina ipd.

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Re:Vespe - 08.12.05 22:23 Piaggio was, and is today with Piaggio Aero, an aircraft factory. After World War II, recognizing the need for conversion to civil market, it approached this idea using internal skill, expertise and spare parts: in the first exemplar one can recognize the typical aircraft technology of molded steel sheets riveted at the edges, the front wheel with lamp was actually a landing gear, the engine was derived from a starter of an airplane engine, attention to aerodynamics is evident in all the design, in particular on the tail. It was also one of the first automobiles to use monocoque construction (where the body is an integral part of the chassis).

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